Chateau Chudenice
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Chateau Chudenice

Address:  Zamek Chudenice, U Cerninskeho zamku 1
34014  Chudenice
Phone:  +420 376 398 100


Last updated:  9th Apr 2006
Location of this object

Region of Plzen, in a bee line 10 km north-west from the city Klatovy.
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Opening hours

April, May: Saturday, Sunday, holidays 900 - 1700
June - August: daily except Monday 900 - 1800
September, October: Saturday, Sunday, holidays 900 - 1700
Entrance fee

Zamecka expozice: 30 CZK full * 20 CZK reduced
Muzejni expozice: 10 CZK full * 5 CZK reduced

Zamecka expozice: with guide, max. 45 min., maximum 20 people, zajimavosti je Andelsky pokoj and cerna kuchyne.
Muzejni expozice: without guide, zajimavosti je rodna sin Jaroslava Kvapila.

Additional services

Rezervace vstupenek.
Camera, video

no * no
Wheelchair access

Pouze přízemní muzejní expozice

u zámku (gratis) * u zámku (gratis)

Muzeum Josefa Dobrovskeho


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